Pros and Cons of EDM
Electrical discharge machining (EDM), also referred to as “spark” machining, is a tech that has been around for a while. Throughout the EDM process, an electric current is guided to pass within an electrode and a work piece that has been divided by a dielectric liquid, that acts as an electric insulator. After a high enough voltage is implemented, the dielectric fluid gets ionized, it changes into an electrical conductor and depletes the work piece by releasing spark discharge to shape it into the sought after form or eventual shape.
How does EDM Work?
The Sinker EDM is utilized for projects that require intricate shapes, whereas Wire EDM acts like an electrode, which is utilized for cutting the workpiece. Sinker EDM carries out the shaping process by way of highly accurate and pre-machined electrodes for creating a negative of the work piece by “sinking” it into the work piece to attain the wanted shape. As an alternative, Wire EDM uses a thin copper or brass wire directed by diamond guides holding it to make precise cuts around the work piece. Lastly, as the name implies, Hole Drilling EDM is specially designed tubular enabling the dielectric fluid that flows through its electrode nozzle and drill unbelievably tiny holes that would simply not be possible using other mechanical machining alternatives.
The Pros and Cons of EDM
On the basis of the 3 sub-processes of EDM, it is indisputable that the adaptability provided by EDM when machining harder metals is its primary advantage. Utilizing EDM makes it a lot easier to mechanically machine metals like tungsten carbide and titanium that are a lot harder than other metals. Also, high precision outlines on the work piece can be achieved using EDM without the requirement for further edge-cleaning or taking the time to deburr the work piece.
One central disadvantage of EDM is the slow process of this machining technique. This makes EDM very unproductive when dealing with larger scaled projects, which is a significant issue in the present day, in which most projects are larger than before. In the present society stricken by climate change, low energy use is prioritized in the choosing of machines over other attributes. The notion that EDM uses a lot more electricity than any other mechanical machining method makes it unwanted by companies aiming to reduce their carbon footprint.
Practical Applications of EDM
Although EDM is restricted when it comes to larger-scaled projects, it is great for unbelievably small projects requiring limited parts or reduced volume production bundles “that require an intense level of precision,” as reported by Interesting Engineering. For instance, in the aerospace and automotive sectors, EDM is used in the creation of small pieces in engines that are highly accurate and state-of-the-art. Additionally, electrical machining is utilized in the mold-making sector.
In the present highly technological fellowship, it is very easy for people to concentrate on new and developing technologies and their promise to revolutionize the world while existing cutting-edge tech that has been pushing our economies like EDM is sidelined.
East Valley Precision – Custom Machinery Specialists
East Valley Precision offers custom CNC Machining in the Chandler, Arizona and surrounding areas. When you need precision CNC machining and milling contact East Valley Precision. Call us at 480-288-6601 for more information or use our form for a quote.